Programs & Funding

Starter Company Plus

Sign up for the e-newsletter at the link below and be the first to know when applications open.

Starter Company Plus is a Government of Ontario funded program and delivered by the Northwest Business Centre designed to create sustainable jobs for its residents through entrepreneurship. If you’re starting, expanding or buying a small business, apply for training, mentoring and a grant through Starter Company Plus program. The program provides: training and business skills development; advice and mentorship from local business leaders; assistance in writing a comprehensive business plan to better position participants in obtaining financing; and an opportunity for a $5,000 grant.

Eligibility & Details

Individuals who are 18 years or older and a resident of the Kenora or Rainy River Districts may apply for the training portion of the program. Individuals applying for the grant must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:

  • 18 years of age or older at the time of registration
  • Proposing starting a new company, expanding an existing company or buying a business in the Kenora or Rainy River Districts in Ontario – must be operational within 3 months of applying to the program
  • Not attending school full time nor returning to school
  • A resident of the Kenora or Rainy River Districts in Ontario
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Not enrolled in other provincial employment or self-employment-related initiatives and programs that include or do not include financial assistance
  • Not currently enrolled concurrently in any self-employment or entrepreneurship training/financing initiatives and programs offered by government funded organizations
  • Not working full time (working no more than 20 hours/week at a part-time job);
  • To qualify for a grant, you must demonstrate 25% matching funds in cash or in-kind assets
  • Prepared to commit to a minimum average of 35 hours a week running the business
  • Is a sole proprietorship, partnership or a corporation where the applicant will be the majority shareholder. Proof is required. 
  • Is an independent business venture and operates at arm’s length from family business ventures
  • Follows government rules and regulations for operating a business


  • While the Starter Company Plus Initiative is open to all eligible individuals, it is a training and mentoring initiative geared towards assisting those in need of business knowledge and support. Approval into the Starter Company Plus Initiative is competitive and eligible applicants may not all be accepted.

Ineligible Businesses

  • Partnerships that are 50% shared, franchises, commissioned sales and distributorships
  • Business ventures that are continuations of existing commercial endeavours
  • Not-for-profit or charitable enterprises
  • Multi-level marketing ventures
  • Single events such as musical ventures bands, DJs or dance/party event organizations
  • Businesses that are strictly pay-per-click and 1-900 businesses
  • Businesses that have received the Starter Company or Starter Company Plus grant from the Northwest Business Centre or any SBEC in the province of Ontario


Entrepreneurs interested in Starter Company Plus will participate in one-on-one and self-directed training with the Program Provider to o create a comprehensive business plan complete with the operational plan, market research and financial statements. No funding will be provided to the participants during the training module.

Participants will be ready to leave the training module and approach the Grant Committee to apply for funding when they have:

  • Complete all of the elements of the training phase
  • Willing to commit an average of 35 hours a week to the development and/or operation of the business upon receiving funding
  • Produce a viable business plan which will include 3 years of projected financial statements
  • Prepare a 3-minute pitch that they will deliver to the Grant Committee
  • Prepared to work with a mentor by participating in monthly meetings for a period of three months following the program
  • Demonstrate their commitment to the Program to the satisfaction of their service provider.

Application process:

  • You must apply online using the form below.
  • You will receive an email from the Manager with complete program details, a request to complete a one-page business overview assignment and an interview invitation to discuss your business idea. Program requirements and expectations will be clearly defined. Limited spaces are available.
  • Questions? Email 

Funding provided by the Government of Ontario

"*" indicates required fields

Please indicate your age bracket*
Are you a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Ontario?*
Do you identify as a Canadian Aboriginal individual? A Canadian Aboriginal individual is a person who is: a Status Indian; or a Non-Status Indian; or an Inuk; or Métis.*
Have you participated in the Starter Company Program in the past?*
Are you interested in applying for the grant of up to $5000?*
If successful in entering the program, will you be able to commit to the Training Program?*
Are you currently enrolled in full time education or have plans to enroll in full time education in the near future (6 months - 1 year)?*
Are you currently enrolled in any self-employment or entrepreneurship training/ financing programs offered by government funded organizations?*
Is your business related to a trade monitored by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (you will be required to provide proof)?*
Do you plan to keep a full time job while operating your business?*
Will you be able to commit to an average of 35 hours a week to operating your business?*
Are you currently or have you ever received any grants or loans for your business?*
Will you be able to commit to the monthly mentor meetings for three months?*
How did you hear about us?*

Entreprise en démarrage Plus

Obtenez des conseils et une subvention pour votre petite entreprise

Si vous démarrez, agrandissez ou achetez une petite entreprise, faites une demande de formation, de mentorat et de subvention par l’intermédiaire du programme Entreprise en démarrage Plus.

Qu’est-ce que vous obtiendrez?

Grâce à Entreprise en démarrage Plus, vous pouvez :

  • obtenir des conseils individuels d’un conseiller d’un centre d’encadrement des petits entrepreneurs;
  • participer à des ateliers d’affaires, des séminaires ou des événements de réseautage;
    • les sujets vont de l’écriture d’un plan d’affaires aux campagnes de marketing, en passant par l’établissement d’un budget.
  • parler à un mentor possédant de l’expérience en matière de démarrage, d’agrandissement ou d’achat de petites entreprises.

Vous pouvez également présenter une demande de subvention d’une valeur maximale de 5 000 dollars.

Ces services de soutien sont disponibles si vous voulez démarrer, agrandir ou acheter une entreprise en Ontario.

Qui peut présenter une demande?

Vous êtes admissible si :

  • vous êtes âgé de 18 ans ou plus;
  • vous êtes résident de l’Ontario et citoyen canadien (ou résident permanent);
  • vous n’êtes pas aux études à temps plein ou n’effectuez pas un retour aux études.

Pour être admissible à une subvention, vous devez être en mesure de faire une contribution en espèces ou en nature. Cette contribution doit représenter au moins 25 % du montant de la subvention.

Programs & Funding

Starter Company Plus: Indigenous Stream

Applications for the Starter Company Plus: Indigenous Stream are now closed. Please see the Starter Company Plus tab for program details. 

Starter Company Plus: Indigenous Stream is a Government of Ontario funded program and delivered by the Northwest Business Centre designed to create sustainable jobs for its residents through entrepreneurship. If you’re starting, expanding or buying a small business, apply for training, mentoring and a grant through Starter Company Plus program. You will get one-on-one guidance, training to complete a business plan and the opportunity to apply for a $5,000 grant. If you are a driven individual with a unique business idea, over the age of 18, a resident of Ontario, and are not attending school or working full time, the Starter Company Plus program could be your first step to a new adventure. 

Am I eligible for Starter Company Plus?

You can apply if you’re:

  • A Canadian Aboriginal individual 18 years and older. A Canadian Aboriginal individual is a person who is: a Status Indian; or a Non-Status Indian; or an Inuk; or Métis
  • An Ontario resident and your business must be located within the Treaty 3, Treaty 5 or Treaty 9 area of Ontario
  • Not attending school full-time or returning to school or working full time (working no more than 20 hours/week at a part-time job)
  • To qualify for a grant, you must be able to make a contribution in cash or in kind. It has to be for least 25% of the grant amount.

What type of business can I start? Almost any type of business is eligible, as long as it:

  • Is a sole proprietorship or a corporation where the applicant is the majority shareholder
  • Is an independent business venture
  • Operates at arm’s length from family business ventures
  • Operates full-time as defined in the business plan and maintains its own books and records (minimum average of 35 hours a week)
  • Follows government rules and regulations for operating a business

Businesses NOT eligible for Starter Company Plus include:

  • Partnerships that are 50% shared, franchises, commissioned sales and distributorships
  • Business ventures that are continuations of existing commercial endeavours
  • Not-for-profit or charitable enterprises
  • Multi-level marketing ventures
  • Single event such as musical ventures bands, DJs or dance/party event organizations
  • Businesses that are strictly pay per click and 1-900 businesses
  • Businesses that have received the Starter Company or Starter Company Plus grant from the Northwest Business Centre or any SBEC in the province of Ontario.

Application process:

  • You must apply online using the form below.
  • You will receive an email from the Program Coordinator with complete program details which will include the Starter Company Plus Enrolment Agreement form. You will need to sign and submit this document back to the Program Coordinator before they can release any of the business training materials. 
  • Email Corrine Kabel, Program Coordinator at

Funding provided by the Government of Ontario

Applications are no longer being accepted.

Entreprise en démarrage Plus

Obtenez des conseils et une subvention pour votre petite entreprise

Si vous démarrez, agrandissez ou achetez une petite entreprise, faites une demande de formation, de mentorat et de subvention par l’intermédiaire du programme Entreprise en démarrage Plus.

Qu’est-ce que vous obtiendrez?

Grâce à Entreprise en démarrage Plus, vous pouvez :

  • obtenir des conseils individuels d’un conseiller d’un centre d’encadrement des petits entrepreneurs;
  • participer à des ateliers d’affaires, des séminaires ou des événements de réseautage;
    • les sujets vont de l’écriture d’un plan d’affaires aux campagnes de marketing, en passant par l’établissement d’un budget.
  • parler à un mentor possédant de l’expérience en matière de démarrage, d’agrandissement ou d’achat de petites entreprises.

Vous pouvez également présenter une demande de subvention d’une valeur maximale de 5 000 dollars.

Ces services de soutien sont disponibles si vous voulez démarrer, agrandir ou acheter une entreprise en Ontario.

Qui peut présenter une demande?

Vous êtes admissible si :

  • vous êtes âgé de 18 ans ou plus;
  • vous êtes résident de l’Ontario et citoyen canadien (ou résident permanent);
  • vous n’êtes pas aux études à temps plein ou n’effectuez pas un retour aux études.

Pour être admissible à une subvention, vous devez être en mesure de faire une contribution en espèces ou en nature. Cette contribution doit représenter au moins 25 % du montant de la subvention.

Programs & Funding

Summer Company

Are you between the ages of 15-29? If you’ve got a winning idea for starting a new business and are a student who is not afraid of hard work, you should consider applying to our Summer Company program. Summer Company is a great opportunity for enterprising young people who want to start and run their own summer businesses. The program provides hands-on business coaching and mentoring from local community business leaders who will work with you to make your Summer Company a reality.  All applicants must have a business plan completed and a feasible business in order to apply.

How it Works

Through a program called Summer Company, you can get two things:

  • start-up money to kick-off a new summer business
  • advice and mentorship from local business leaders to help get the business up and running

You could be eligible, if you:

  • go to high school, college or university in Ontario
  • live in Ontario
  • are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • are between 15-29 years old (if under 18: a parent needs to sign the application)
  • are not already running a business
  • are not working more than 12 hours week at another job during the program
  • are returning to school after the program ends
  • you cannot apply again, if you have received a Summer Company grant in the past

Maximum grant:

  • $3,000
  • up to $1,500 up front to help with start-up costs
  • up to $1,500 when you successfully complete the program requirements

Over the summer program period, you must be prepared to commit:

  • a minimum of 280 hours for high school students
  • a minimum of 420 hours for post-secondary students

What kind of business you can choose to start almost any type of business, as long as it:

  • is a sole proprietorship or corporation (where you are the majority shareholder)
  • is an independent business venture (not a part of an existing or family business)
  • qualifies as “self-employed” for income tax purposes
  • operates in Ontario on a full-time basis
  • follows government rules for operating a business
  • Learn more about self-employed workers (Canada Revenue Agency).

How you’re approved:

  • Fill out the online application form below.
  • Your program provider will invite you for an interview. 
  • If your business is feasible, you will be asked to submit an application, which includes a business plan and cash flow. Your program provider will help you with your application, if required.
  • Your program provider will review your application and provide feedback.
  • If your application meets the program’s requirements, your program provider will let you know if you are approved to participate in the program.

For more information email

Summer Company Application:

  • Please fill out the online application below. 

Démarrer une entreprise d’été


Grâce au programme Entreprise d’été, vous pouvez obtenir :

  • des fonds de démarrage pour lancer une nouvelle entreprise d’été
  • des conseils et un mentorat des chefs d’entreprises locales pour vous aider à mettre sur pied votre entreprise

Apprendre à diriger votre propre entreprise est l’un des meilleurs emplois d’été que vous pouvez avoir. Vous avez la chance d’être votre propre patron tout en apprenant les compétences requises pour gérer une entreprise. Ventes, commercialisation, facturation, tenue des comptes, relations avec la clientèle, réseautage ne sont que quelques-unes des compétences très utiles que vous acquerrez.

Montant de la bourse

Montant maximal de la bourse : 3 000 $

Les candidats retenus Entreprise d’été reçoivent :

  • jusqu’à 1 500 $ d’avance pour participer aux coûts de démarrage
  • jusqu’à 1 500 $ lorsque vous réussissez à satisfaire aux exigences du programme

Programs & Funding

Digital Transformation Grant

Deadline to apply: October 31, 2021

Applications for the Digital Transformation Grant are OPEN!

Attention brick and mortar businesses, located in downtowns and commercially zoned areas in the Kenora and Rainy River Districts!

The Digital Main Street’s Digital Transformation Grant could provide you with $2,500 for training, advisory support and software to increase your capacity through digital transformation.

How to apply:

  1. Complete the Digital Main Street Assessment and take the pre-qualification quiz: Click here
  2. Watch the online training modules and develop your Digital Transformation Plan
  3. The application portal will remain open until September 30, 2023, or until the grant funds are exhausted

Reach out to the Northwest Business Centre’s Squad today with questions and for assistance and tips

Eligible costs include the following:

  • Digital Marketing
    • Hiring a consultant/agency/person to execute digital marketing initiatives
  • Website
    • Redesign, improvement of existing website
    • Development of new website
    • Photography/videography costs for production of photos and/or videos
    • Ecommerce enablement
    • Accessibility compliance
  • Software
    • Graphic design software
    • Productivity software (LastPass, Hootsuite, Dropbox, etc.)
    • Social media software (Hootsuite, Buffer, etc.)
    • Security software
    • Other software as evidenced in the DTP
  • Digital Training
    • Ongoing digital training courses (in-person & online)
  • Hardware (limited to $1,000)
    • POS systems
    • All hardware must be deemed necessary (as determined by OBIAA in its sole discretion)

Learn more and sign up now at the following link:

Programs & Funding


Futurpreneur Canada has been fueling the entrepreneurial passions of Canada’s young enterprise for two decades. They are the only national, non-profit organization that provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39.

Click here to visit their website.

The Northwest Business Centre is the Community Partner for the Kenora and Rainy River District. For more information please contact Allyson Pele by email at